Exploring Dark Matter with Milky Way substructure
Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars: Substructure in the Local Halo as Seen in the Grid Giant Star Survey Including Extended Tidal Debris from Omega Centauri
Exploring morphological correlations among H2CO, 12CO, MSX and continuum mappings
Exploring the effects of high-velocity flows in abundance determinations in H II regions. Bidimensional spectroscopy of HH 204 in the Orion Nebula
Exploring the effects of pressure on the radial accretion of dark matter by a Schwarzschild supermassive black hole
Exploring the formation of spheroidal galaxies out to z~1.5 in GOODS
Exploring the links between star formation and minor companions around isolated galaxies
Exploring the nature of orbits in a galactic model with a massive nucleus
Exploring the Origin and Fate of the Magellanic Stream with Ultraviolet and Optical Absorption
Exploring the Partially-obscured BLR and Partially-covered NLR
Exploring the Sagittarius Stream with SEKBO Survey RR Lyrae Stars
Exploring the Spectral Space of Low Redshift QSOs
Exploring the Universe with Metal-Poor Stars
Exploring the Variable Sky with LINEAR. I. Photometric Recalibration with SDSS
Explosive Disintegration of a Massive Young Stellar System in Orion
Explosive Outflows Powered by the Decay of Non-Hierarchical Multiple Systems of Massive Stars: Orion BN/KL
Extended emission of D2H+ in a prestellar core
Extended High Circular Polarization in the Orion Massive Star Forming Region: Implications for the Origin of Homochirality in the Solar System
Extended warm and dense gas towards W49A: starburst conditions in our Galaxy?
Extended X-ray Emission in the HI Cavity of NGC 4151: Galaxy-scale AGN Feedback?