IYA Newspaper Supplement and Overview of Working Group on Science/Visitor Centers, Planetaria, and Observatories
IYA Outreach Plans for Appalachian State University's Observatories
IYA Programs Can Benefit from Evaluation, Research, and Publication in Astronomy Education Review
IYA Programs Can Benefit from Evaluation, Research, and Publication in Astronomy Education Review
IYA Resources from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
IYA Tabloid in Your Community
IYA Tabloid in Your Community
IYA Traveling Exhibits and Image Unveilings: Successes, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
IYA2009 - The Hours of Astronomy event
IYA2009 and beyond - the largest public event ever happened in Romania
IYA2009 and Beyond - Update On "Music and Astronomy Under the Stars” To Bring Telescopes To Where the People Are!
IYA2009 Asks a Better Astronomical Education in Europe
IYA2009 Cornerstone Projects. (Slovenian Title: Temeljni projekti MLA2009)
IYA2009 Final Report released
IYA2009 in Africa: A South African perspective
IYA2009 in Canada: The Initial Retrospective
IYA2009 in Chile
IYA2009 in mainland China
IYA2009 in Portugal