Guided waves in marine CSEM
Guidelines for Abstracts and other Bibliographic Items in the Astronomical Literature as Proposed by the IAU Commission 5 Special Working Group on Guidelines for Abstracts, Second Report
Guidelines for Future UV Observatories
Guidelines for measuring solar radius with Baily beads analysis
Guiding and adapter/rotator control software approach: the VST case
Guiding JWST: Assessing The Transformations Of GSC-II Into The NIR With CFHT WIRCam Observations
Guiding the Giant
Guido Horn d'Arturo: un précurseur des télescopes modernes
Guilt by Association: How Mrs. Harlow Shapley Lost Her Job
Guilt by Association: The 13 Micron Dust Emission Feature and Its Correlation to Other Gas and Dust Features
GUIs in the ESO-MIDAS Environment
Gum, Colin (1924-60)
Gunn System Photometry of the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
Gunnar Randers (1914 April 28 - 1992 February 7)
Gunter Fuhr (1907-1993): Obituary
Guro Else Gjellestad (obituary)
GUST86 - an analytical ephemeris of the Uranian satellites
Gustavus Wynne Cook, 1867-1940.
Gutenberg's Gift
GW Librae