3-cm observations of galaxies
3-D Behavior of Buoyant Magnetic Flux Tubes in Granules and Supergranules
3-D density model of the crust of southern and central Finland obtained from joint interpretation of the SVEKALAPKO crustal P-wave velocity models and gravity data
3-D dynamic rupture simulations by a finite volume method
3-d Dynamical Evolution Of The High-mass Young Stellar ObjectSource I In Orion Bn/kl On Scales 10-100 Au As Traced By Sio Masers
3-D finite-element modelling of deformation and stress associated with faulting: effect of inhomogeneous crustal structures
3-D General Circulation Model Simulations of an N2 Microbar Atmosphere
3-D General Relativistic MHD Simulations of Generating Jets
3-D General Relativistic MHD Simulations of Generating Jets
3-D General Relativistic MHD Simulations of Generating Jets
3-D General Relativistic MHD Simulations of Generating Jets
3-D Hydrodynamic Simulations of Relativistic Jets
3-D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Gas Orbits in Barred Galaxies
3-D imaging of Marlborough, New Zealand, subducted plate and strike-slip fault systems
3-D kinematics in low foreground extinction windows of the Galactic bulge†
3-d Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Evolution to z = 2.5
3-D Magnetic Field Configuration Late in a Large Two-Ribbon Flare
3-D Magnetic Field Configurations in the Heliosphere
3-D Magnetic Field Geometry of the October 28, 2003 ICME: Comparison with SMEI White-Light Observations
3-D magnetotelluric inversion and model validation with gravity data for the investigation of flood basalts and associated volcanic rifted margins