$B_K$ and Explicit Chiral Symmetry Breaking
$B_K$ from improved staggered fermions using SU(3) chiral perturbation theory
$B_K$ from twisted mass QCD
$B_K$ in unquenched QCD using improved staggered fermions
$B_K$ using HYP-smeared staggered fermions in $N_f=2+1$ unquenched QCD
$B_K$ Using Staggered Fermions: An Update
$B_K$ with improved staggered fermions: analysis using SU(2) staggered chiral perturbation theory
$B_K$ with improved staggered fermions: analysis using SU(3) staggered chiral perturbation theory
$B_s (B_d) \to γν\bar ν$ }
$B_s (\bar B_s)$ -> $D^0_{CP} K {\bar K}$: Detecting and Discriminating New Physics in $B_s$-$\bar B_s$ Mixing
$B_s - \bar B_s$ Mixing and Its Implication for $b \to s$ Transitions in Supersymmetry
$B_s \to f_0(980)$ decays: Results from light-cone QCD Sum Rules
$B_s \to μ^+ μ^-$ and the upward-going muon flux from the WIMP annihilation in the sun or the earth
$B_s \to φl^+ l^-$ decays in the topcolor-assisted technicolor model
$B_s$ Decays and Mixing
$B_s$ Mixing and New Physics in hadronic $b \to s \bar{q} q$ transitions
$B_s$ Mixing at SLD
$B_s$ Mixing via $ψK^*$
$B_s$ Semileptonic Decays to $D_s$ and $D_s^*$ in Bethe-Salpeter Method
$B_s$-$\bar{B_s}$ mixing from lattice QCD