$B$ Decays, Flavour Mixings and CP Violation in the Standard Model
$B$ Meson Lifetimes at CDF
$B$ Meson Matrix Elements from Various Heavy Quark Effective Theories
$B$ meson wave function in $k_T$ factorization
$B$ Physics (Theory)
$B$ Physics with the CDF Run II Upgrade
$B$ Physics: Theoretical Aspects
$B$ Spectroscopy from NRQCD with Dynamical Fermions
$B$ to $π$ Form Factors in collinear factorization approach
$B$ to light meson form factors with end-point cutoff
$B$-Meson Distribution Amplitude from the $B\to π$ Form Factor
$B$-to-Glueball form factor and Glueball production in $B$ decays
$B-π$ weak form factor with chiral current in the light-cone sum rules
$b-τ$ Unification, $g_μ-2$, the $b\to s+γ$ Constraint and Nonuniversalities
$Bi_2Te_3$: Implications of the rhombohedral k-space texture on the evaluation of the in-plane/out-of-plane conductivity anisotropy
$b\bar b$ Description with a Screened Potential
$B\Bbar$ mixing with the bulk fields in the Randall-Sundrum model
$B\to D^{\ast\ast}$ semileptonic decay in covariant quark models à la Bakamjian Thomas
$B\to f_0(980)K$ Decays and Subleading Corrections
$B\to f_{0}(980) K^{(*)}$ decays and final state interactions