$B \to X_s γ$ in minimal supersymmetric standard model with general flavor mixing
$B \to X_s μ^+ μ^-$ in Technicolor with Scalars
$B \to X_{s} γ$ and $B \to X_{s} l^{+} l^{-}$ decays at LHCb
$B \to X_{s} τ^{+} τ^{-}$ in the flipped SU(5) model
$B \to γγ$ in an ACD model
$B \to η' X_s$ in the Standard Model
$B \to η(η') K(π)$ in the Standard Model with Flavor Symmetry
$B \to πl\barν$ Form Factors with NRQCD Heavy Quark and Clover Light Quark Actions
$B \to π\ell ν_l$ Width and $|V_{ub}|$ from QCD Light-Cone Sum Rules
$B \to π^+ π^-, K π, K \etap$ decays and new physics effects in the general two-Higgs-doublet model: an update
$B \to ππ$ Decay in QCD
$B \to ππ$ decays: branching ratios and CP asymmetries
$B \to ρ(ω, φ) \etap $ Decays and NLO contributions in the pQCD Approach
$B \to ρ\ell ν_\ell$ Form Factors
$B \to ργ$ Decay in the Large Energy Effective Theory
$B \to χ_{c0,2} K$ decays: a model estimation
$B \toτ^+ τ^- (X)$ decays: first constraints and phenomenological implications
$B \wedge F$ Term by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a generalized Abelian Higgs Model
$B$ and $B_c$ mesons with NRQCD and Clover actions
$B$ Decay into Light Gluinos