$B \to K_0^*(1430) K$ decays in the perturbative QCD approach
$B \to K_1 γ$ Decays in the Light-Cone QCD Sum Rules
$B \to K_1(1270) (\to ρK) \ell^+ \ell^-$ in LEET
$B \to Kπ$ decays and the weak phase angle $γ$
$b \to s l \bar l $ in the minimal supergravity model
$b \to s \ell\overline{\ell}$ process and multi-Higgs doublet model
$b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ decays in and beyond the Standard Model
$b \to s γ$ and CP violation in the MSSM
$b \to s γ$ and Minimal Supersymmetry
$b \to s γ$ Decay and Right-handed Top-bottom Charged Current
$b \to s γ$ Decay and Supersymmetry
$b \to s γ$ Decay in $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)$ Extensions of the Standard Model
$b \to s γ$ decays in the Left-Right Symmetric Model
$b \to s$ Transitions in Family-dependent $U(1)^\prime$ Models
$b \to s(d) γ$ with a Vector-like Quark as Fourth-generation
$b \to s\ell^+\ell^-$ in the Left-Right Symmetric Model
$b \to sγ$ with Large tan$β$ in MSSM Analysis Constrained by a Realistic SO(10) Model
$B \to X_s +$ missing energy in models with large extra dimensions
$B \to X_s l^+ l^-$ decay in a Top quark two-Higgs-doublet model
$B \to X_s l^+l^-$ in the left-right supersymmetric model