"Photon Storms" in the Hot Universe
"photon+Jet" events rate estimation for gluon distribution determination at LHC
"Physical quantity" and " Physical reality" in Quantum Mechanics: an epistemological path
"Physics Briefs" : a bibliographic database also for Astronomy and Astrophysics
"Physics on Stage" Festival Video Now Available
"Pion laser" phenomenon and other possible signatures of the DCC at RHIC and LHC energies
"Planck-scale physics" of vacuum in a strong magnetic field
"Planetary" Noble Gases in Chondries: A Review
"planetary" Noble Gases: Rare-Gas Trapping by Laboratory Carbon Condensates
"Point-form" estimate of the pion form factor revisited
"Pre-Compaction" Cosmogenic Xenon in Krymka Chondrite
"Pre-Mare" Volcanism
"Principle of Indistinguishability" and equations of motion for particles with spin
"pristine" Highland Rocks: a Critical Evaluation
"Probabilistic" approach to Richardson equations
"Pseudo" pseudo forces in gauge synchronization theories
"Pudding mold" band drives large thermopower in Na$_x$CoO$_2$
"Pudding Mold"-type Band as an Origin of Large Thermopower in tau-type Organic Conductors
"Pyroxenite Xenolith" in Mare Basalt 10050: Evidence of Thermal Erosion by Mare Volcanics?
"Quadratic solitons" in nonlinear dynamiical latticess