"One-dimensional" Coherent States and Oscillation Effects in Metals in a Magnetic Field
"Opalina elongata" Gourv. is Cepedea saharana Metcalf
"Open-air" approach to enclosure design
"OPERA superluminal neutrinos explained by spontaneous emission and stimulated absorption"
"Optical conductance fluctuations: diagrammatic analysis in Landauer approach and non-universal effects"
"Optical" Spin Rotation Phenomenon and Spin Filtering of Antiproton (Proton, Deuteron) Beams in a Pseudomagnetic Field of a Polarized Target: the Possibility of Measuring the Real Part of the Coherent Zero-angle Scattering Amplitude
"Organized Elements" in Carbonaceous Meteorites
"Origin of the Earth and Moon" Montery, California, 1998 December 1-3
"Our debt to astronomy"
"Pair production of scalar top quarks in e+e- collisions at ILC."
"Pair" Fermi contour and repulsion-induced superconductivity in cuprates
"pamir" Experiment Iii: Partial Inelasticity Coefficient at Hadron Energies of 10**13 - 10**14 EV
"Partial" Fidelities
"Partial" quantum cloning and quantum cloning of the mixed states
"Peireles Substitution" and Chern-Simons Quantum Mechanics
"Peppo" - A Dual Digital Delay and Gate Generator
"Phase Diagram" of the Spin Hall Effect
"Phase" diagram of Izing and Heisenberg cubic clusters
"Phobos events"-Signatures of solar wind interaction with a gas torus?
"Photon Storms" in the Hot Universe