"Neuschwanstein" - ein Meteoritenfall voller Überraschungen
"Neutral Hydrogen Survey of Andromeda Galaxy": Addendum
"Neutral point titration": cardiovascular regulation during combined (LBNP/HDT vs. LBPP/HUT) stimulation
"Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay" at a Neutrino Factory
"New approach to the problem of time", conference held in Pushchino, 1988, January 24 - 31.
"New Moon!" New Lunar Education and Public Outreach Efforts!
"New Skies for a New City"
"New Zero-Resistance State" in Heterojunctions: A Dynamical Effect
"New" Basalts at Mare Tranquillitatis: A Sortie for Pristine Rocks in Soil 10085
"New" boundary conditions in integrable lattice models
"New" lunar meteorites: Impact melt and regolith breccias and large-scale heterogeneities of the upper lunar crust
"New" lunar meteorites: Implications for composition of the global lunar surface, lunar crust, and the bulk Moon
"New" Lunar Regolith Breccias; an Enigmatic Ferroan Anorthosite From Apollo 14
"new" Pristine Moon Rocks: Augite-Rich Ferroan Anorthosite 76504,18--LINK Between Ferroan Anorthosites and Mare Basalt Source Regions?
"New" Veneziano amplitudes from "old" Fermat (hyper) surfaces
"NEWSIPS" TO THE RESCUE: A New Insight from the IUE on Activity in Lambda ERI
"No hair" theorem for black holes in the Mansouri-Chang theory of gravitation
"No Information Without Disturbance": Quantum Limitations of Measurement
"No", a conservative water-mass tracer
"No-hair" theorems for the Abelian Higgs and Goldstone models