"Meteor Strike," Kosi Bay, Maputaland: Not an Impact Phenomenon!
"Microbial plumes" as inferred from the increase of stable carbon isotope composition of methane originated from submarine hydrothermal activity
"Micrometeoroid Flux from Surveyor Glass Surfaces"
"Micropulsation mode" propagation in the magnetosphere
"Millisecond" Pulsars
"Minus c" Symmetry in Classical and Quantum Theories
"Miogeosynclinal" andesites
"Mixmaster Universe" and the Cold Variant
"Modes of the universe" study of two-photon deterministic, passive quantum logical gates
"Modified" BCS theory at finite temperature and its flaws
"Moduli Space" of Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes in (2+1)-Dimensions
"Molecular diffusion and the sedimentary environment: results from the in situ determination of whole sediment diffusion coefficients". Reply to comments by Westrich et al.
"molecular Weight" of Air at High Altitudes
"Monsters" to Mars
"Morphing Instrument"; a concept for future space instrumentation
"Moth-eaten effect" driven by Pauli blocking, revealed for Cooper pairs
"Naked" Cronin effect in A+A collisions from SPS to RHIC
"Nano" Morphology and Element Signatures of Early Life on Earth: A New Tool for Assessing Biogenicity
"Nano" Scale Biosignatures and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
"Narrow" Graphene Nanoribbons Made Easier by Partial Hydrogenation