"Large" Antarctic Micrometeorites and Early Processes in the Solar Nebula
"Latent heat" of first-order varying pressure transitions
"Lattice-Free" Simulations of Topological Defect Formation
"Leoniden-expeditie" naar Zuid-Korea.
"Level Curvature" Distribution for Diffusive Aharonov-Bohm Systems: analytical results
"Lifshitz tails" and extended states in an Imaginary random potential
"Light from chaos" in two dimensions
"Light Sail" Acceleration Revisited
"Listening" to the spin noise of conduction electrons in bulk n:GaAs
"Local Instruction-Set Model for the Experiment of Pan et al" of Aschwanden, Philipp, Hess, and Barraza-Lopez Cannot Beat Quantum Models
"Local Realism", Bell's Theorem and Quantum "Locally Realistic" Inequalities
"Long live effrontery!" Albert Einstein and the birth of Quantum Theory
"Longitude Harrison" and his brother
"Low'' Energy GUTs
"Lunar Calendar" from the Hungarian Upper Paleolithic
"Lunar test" of the research and engineering project "Dulkyn"
"Lunar tide in D-region" of the ionosphere near the magnetic equator.
"Lunokhod": the birth of a project.
"Luttinger" and insulating spin liquids in two dimensions
"Madelung model" prediction for dependence of lattice parameter on nanocrystal size