Z_N Gauge Theories on a Lattice and Quantum Memory
Z_N Phases in Hot Gauge Theories
Z_N x Z_M orientifolds with and without discrete torsion
Z_n-Graded Topological Generalizations of Supersymmetry and Orthofermion Algebra
Z_N-Invariant Subgroups of Semi-Simple Lie Groups
Z_N-symmetry in gauge theories at finite temperatures
Z_n^3-graded colored supersymmetry
Z_n^3-graded Poincare superalgebras
Z_p scalar dark matter from multi-Higgs-doublet models
Z_{12-I} Orbifold Compactification toward SUSY Standard Model
z˜ 6 Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Zγγproduction with leptonic decays and triple photon production at NLO QCD