uvby-beta photometry of GP And (Rodriguez+ 1993)
uvby-beta photometry of metal-poor stars (Schuster+ 1993)
uvby-beta photometry of stars in SA 194 (Franco 1994)
uvby-beta photometry of SX Phe stars (Rodriguez+ 1993)
uvby-hk photometry in M22 (Anthony-Twarog+ 1995)
uvby-β photometry of WTTS (Chavarria-K+, 2000)
uvbyβ photometry of early type stars (Handler, 2011)
uvbyβ photometry of h and chi Per (Capilla+, 2002)
UVCS Observations of Post-CME Heating and Streamer Relaxation by Current Sheets
UVCS Observations of Slow Plasma Flow in the Corona Above Active Regions
UVCS Observations of Temperature and Velocity Profiles in Coronal Holes
UVCS Observations of the 21 April 2002 CME
UVCS/SOHO capability for determining coronal conditions before, during and after CMEs
UVCS/SOHO Measurements of Heating in Coronal Streamers
UVCS/SOHO observations of coronal streamers
UVCS/SOHO: The First Two Years
UVCS: an Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer for SOHO
UVES (UV-visual echelle spectrograph) for the VLT - a status report.
UVES sky atlas (Hanuschik+, 2003)
UVES Spectrum of APM BR J0307-4945 (Dessauges-Zavadsky+, 2001)