Typicality, Black Hole Microstates and Superconformal Field Theories
Typicality, Freak Observers and the Anthropic Principle of Existence
Typochemical Peculiarity of a Tourmaline in Different-Depth Pegmatites of Mean Asia
Typomorphism of pyrite of the gold mineral deposit
Tyre and Pwyll: Galileo orbital remote sensing of mineralogy versus morphology at two selected sites on Europa
Tyrrhena Patera and Hesperia Planum, Mars: New Insights (and Old Interpretations) from High-Resolution Imagery
Tyrrhena Patera, Mars: Evidence for a solidified magma chamber?
Tyrrhena Patera, Mars: Insights Into Volcanic and Erosional History From High-Resolution Images and Impact Crater Populations
Tyrrhena Patera: Volcanic History Derived from HRSC-based Crater Counts
Tyrrhena Terra: Hydrated Lobate Ejecta and Plains
TZ Boo & Y Sex orbital periods (Qian+, 2000)
TZ Bootis' 1980 Light Curve
T^{2/3} resistivity and the field-tuned quantum critical point in CeCoIn5
T_0-discrete cosmological models with a set of fundamental interactions
T_c for dilute Bose gases: beyond leading order in 1/N
T_c for homogeneous dilute Bose gases: a second-order result
T_c for trapped dilute Bose gases: a second-order result
T_c-Enhanced Codoping Method for GaAs-based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors