Sampling Theorem and Discrete Fourier Transform on the Riemann Sphere
Sampling Time Effects for Persistence and Survival in Step Structural Fluctuations
Sampling using a `bank' of clues
Sampling Weak Values: A Non-Linear Bayesian Model for Non-Ideal Quantum Measurements
Sampling with quantum mechanics
SAMSI: a spacecraft array for Michelson spatial interferometry
Samuel Alfred Mitchell, Solar and Stellar Astronomer
Samuel Pepys and a Flying Dragon / Fireball
SAMUEL Space Applied Mechanism for Unreeling ELectric conductive tethers
Samuil Aronovich Kaplan (1921 - 1978), on the occasion of the 70th birthday.
Samurai of the cosmos
San Andreas Fault damage at SAFOD viewed with fault-guided waves
San Andreas Fault tremor and retrograde metamorphism
San Diego Picks Sodium over the Stars
San Diego Picks the Stars over Sodium
San Diego's Adventure in Space
San Francisco meeting of the division for planetary sciences, American astronomical society
San Francisco Planetarium
San Marco II measurements of equatorial atmospheric density at heights between 200 and 300 km.
SAN/AFS: Developments in Storage Data Systems on Frascati Tokamak Upgrade