Systolic VLSI for Kalman Filters
SZ Cluster Surveys
SZ Herculis: A Fast Eclipsing Binary
SZ Hydrae: an RRab Star with Unstable Period
SZ Lyn: New pulsational and orbital elements based on old and recent photometric observations
SZ Lyncis
SZ Simulations
SZ Simulations
SZ surveys with the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager
SZ/X-ray Joint Analysis of the Intra-Cluster Medium using APEX-SZ Data
SZ2 X-ray detector for GRB monitoring
SZE scaling relations and power spectrum from a simple ``working'' model of galaxy clusters
Szebehely equation and variational principles
Szego kernels and a theorem of Tian
Szego limit theorem on the lattice
Szekeres Models and Their Wormholes
Szekeres-type mappings of Kasner and Petrov type I(M+) purely magnetic spacetimes
Szilard engine revisited; information from time forward and backward process
Sznajd Complex Networks
Sznajd model and its applications