Sagittarius's Stellar Playgrounds
Sagnac and the G-Clock Effect Revisited
Sagnac effect in a chain of mesoscopic quantum rings
Sagnac effect in resonant microcavities
Sagnac interference in Carbon nanotube loops
Sagnac interference in Carbon nanotubes
Sagnac Interferometer Enhanced Particle Tracking in Optical Tweezers
Sagnac Interferometer for Gravitational-Wave Detection
Sagnac interferometry based on ultra-slow polaritons in cold atomic vapors
Sagnac Interferometry in a Slow-Light Medium
Sagnac Rotational Phase Shifts in a Mesoscopic Electron Interferometer with Spin-Orbit Interactions
Sagnac-loop phase shifter with polarization-independent operation
SAGS4 - StrapDown Airborne Gravimetry System Analysis
Sah and Sopdet
Saha and the Dyon
Saha's Proposals for Upper Atmospheric Studies
SAHA-S Equation of State in Solar Modelling and Heavy Elements Content
Sahara 00182, the First CR3 Chondrite and Formation of Multi-layered Chondrules
SAHARA 03500: A Unique Achondrite
Sahara 97096: A Highly Primitive EH3 Chondrite with Layered Sulfide-metal-rich Chondrules