S5 0716+714 UBVRI photometry (Raiteri+, 2003)
S5 0716+71: ein helles, aktives BL-Lacertae-Objekt
S5: The Spitzer SDSS Statistical Spectroscopic Survey
S5: The Spitzer SDSS Statistical Spectroscopic Survey
S8 aerosols in the Archean atmosphere
S=--1 Meson-Baryon Scattering in Coupled Channel Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory
S=-1,-2 baryon-baryon interactions in chiral effective field theory
S=0 pseudoscalar meson photoproduction from the proton
S=1 kagomé Ising model with triquadratic interactions, single-ion anisotropy and magnetic field: exact phase diagrams
S=1 Spin Liquids: Broken Discrete Symmetries Restored
S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with staggered fields: Copper pyrimidine and copper benzoate using the density matrix renormalization group for transfer matrices
S=1/2 chains and spin-Peierls transition in TiOCl
S=1/2 Kagome antiferromagnets Cs$_2$Cu$_3MF$_{12}$ with M=Zr and Hf
S=I=0 Pion Pairs in the A(pi,pi pi)X Reaction
S?'id, the Toledan Tables, and Andalus? Science
S@M, a Mathematica Implementation of the Spinor-Helicity Formalism
Sa Feathering Test
Sa Feathering Test II
SA114 Ug'r'i'Z photometry (Karaali+, 2005)
SA98-185(=HD292574) - a New Eclipsing Binary Among Landolt's Standard Stars