S-Wave Quarkonia in Potential Models
s-wave scattering and the zero-range limit of the finite square well in arbitrary dimensions
S-wave Scattering Length from Effective Positronium-Positronium Interaction for Bose-Einstein Condensates
S-Wave Scattering of Charged Fermions by a Magnetic Black Hole
S-Wave Scattering of Fermion Revisited
S-Wave Scattering of Fermion revisited taking into account the effect of Anomaly
S-wave scattering of strangeness -3 baryons
s-Wave Scattering Resonances Induced by Dipolar Interactions of Polar Molecules
S-wave sector of type IIB supergravity on S^1 \times T^4
S-wave structure of the American Southwest and Mexico from single-station broadband data
s-wave Superconductivity due to Suhl-Kondo Mechanism in Na$_x$CoO$_2\cdot y$H$_2$O: Effect of Coulomb Interaction and Trigonal Distortion
s-wave superconductivity from antiferromagnetic spin-fluctuation model for bilayer materials
s-Wave superconductivity in non-centrosymmetric Re_3W probed by magnetic penetration depth
s-wave superconductivity in the presence of local Coulomb correlations
S-wave Superconductivity in Weak Ferromagnetic Metals
S-wave superconductivity near a surface
s-wave Superconductivity Phase Diagram in the Inhomogeneous Two-Dimensional Attractive Hubbard Model
S-wave superconductivity with orbital dependent sign change in the checkerboard models of iron-based superconductors
s-wave symmetry along the c-axis and s+d in-plane superconductivity in bulk YBa_2Cu_4O_8
S-wave travel times for a spherically averaged earth