S-P-wave traveltime residuals from earthquakes and lateral inhomogeneity in the upper mantle beneath the Aegean and the Hellenic Trench near Crete
S-pairing in neutron matter. I. Correlated Basis Function Theory
S-parameter and pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson mass from lattice QCD
S-parameter at Non-Zero Temperature and Chemical Potential
S-Parameter Uncertainties in Network Analyzer Measurements with Application to Antenna Patterns
s-Parameterized Fock Space Projectors Gained via General Ordering Theorem
S-particles at their naturalness limits
s-Process Abundances in AGB Stars At Various Metallicities and Their Theoretical Interpretation
S-Process BA and Nd in Presolar Murchison SiC
S-process Ba in SiC from Murchison series KJ.
s-process branch at 176Lu
s-Process Branching at 186Re, the Abundance of 186Os, and Presolar Grains
s-process branchings at 151Sm, 154Eu, and 163Dy
s-Process Elements in the M Supergiant α Ori
S-Process Enhanced Stars
S-process in low-mass extremely metal-poor stars
s-Process in low-metallicity stars (Bisterzo+, 2010)
S-Process Isotope Anomalies: Neodymium, Samarium, and a Bit More of Strontium
S-Process KR and 22Ne in Murchison: A Correlation
S-Process Material in Murchison: SR and More on BA