S-Matrix for AdS from General Boundary QFT
S-matrix for magnons in the D1-D5 system
S-matrix for spin 1/2 particle in a Coulomb + Scalar potential
S-Matrix Formulation of Mesoscopic Systems and Evanescent Modes
S-Matrix Identities in Affine Toda Field Theories
S-matrix in de Sitter spacetime from general boundary quantum field theory
S-matrix interpretation of finite-temperature real-time field theories
S-matrix network models for coherent waves in random media: construction and renormalization
S-matrix of N=2 Supersymmetric Sine-Gordon Theory
S-Matrix on the Moyal Plane: Locality versus Lorentz Invariance
S-Matrix Poles Close to Thresholds in Confined Geometries
S-matrix poles for chaotic quantum systems as eigenvalues of complex symmetric random matrices: from isolated to overlapping resonances
S-matrix studies of resonances in A=3,4,5,6, and 12 nucleon systems
S-matrix theory for transmission through billiards in tight-binding approach
S-matrix theory of single-channel ballistic transport through coupled quantum dots
S-Matrix Unitarity, Impact Parameter Profiles, Gluon Saturation and High-Energy Scattering
S-ordered phase-space path integrals and time-s-ordering of Heisenberg operators (reseach notes)
s-ordered phase-sum and phase-difference distribuitons of entangled coherent states
S-P conversion from the transition zone beneath Tonga and the nature of the 670 km discontinuity
S-P wave interference in the K+K- photoproduction on hydrogen