Quiet time solar illumination effects on the fluxes and characteristic energies of ionospheric outflow
Quiet time variability of the geosynchronous magnetic field and its response to the solar wind
Quiet Violin
Quiet-condition hmF2, NmF2, and B0 variations at Jicamarca and comparison with IRI-2001during solar maximum
Quiet-condition variations in the scale height at F2-layer peak at Jicamarca during solar minimum and maximum
Quiet-Sun Center-Limb Observations at 6 and 11 cm during Cycle Maximum
Quiet-Sun chromospheric network evolution
Quiet-sun emission and local sources at meter and decimeter wavelengths and their relationship with the coronal neutral sheet
Quiet-Sun Magnetism Seen with a Mn Line: Km-Sized Magnetic Structures
Quiet-time characteristics of middle-latitude whistler-mode signals during an 8-yr period
Quiet-time convection electric field properties derived from keV electron measurements at the inner edge of the plasma sheet by means of GEOS-2
Quiet-time intensifications along the poleward auroral boundary near midnight
Quiet-time Interplanetary ˜2-20keV Superhalo Electrons at Solar Minimum
Quiet-time mass and energy transport in GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation, 2: Tracing mass and energy within the magnetosphere
Quiet-time Pc 5 pulsations in the Earth's magnetotail: IMP-8, ISEE-1 and ISEE-3 simultaneous observations
Quiet-time periods observed by EPHIN/SOHO during the minimum of the 22nd solar cycle
Quiet-time plasma irregularities at 1400 km in the cleft region
Quiet-time seasonal behavior of the thermosphere seen in the far ultraviolet dayglow
Quiet-time variations of F2-layer parameters at Jicamarca and comparison with IRI-2001 during solar minimum
Quijingue, Bahia, the First Brazilian Pallasite