Pyroxenes and Olivines in Crystalline Rocks from Ocean of Storms
Pyroxenes as Recorders of Lunar Basalt Petrogeneis Revisited: an Experimental Study of Pyroxene-Liquid Interaction
Pyroxenes from Governador Valadares and Lafayette: A Nitrogen and Noble Gas Study
Pyroxenes in Early Crustal Cumulates Found in Achondrites and Lunar Highland Rocks
Pyroxenes in ordinary chondrites: Implication to petrographic diversity of ordinary chondrites
Pyroxenes in the system Mg2Si2O6- CaMgSi2O6 at high pressure
Pyroxenes-Pyroxenoids Polysomatism in the Mn-Skarn of Campiglia Marittima (Italy)
Pyroxenes: A new class of multiferroics
Pyroxenite melts involved in magma genesis in Kamchatka
Pyroxenites as source of mantle heterogeneity
Pyroxferroite: Breakdown at Low Pressure and High Temperature
Pyrrhotite pTRM acquisition in metamorphic limestones in the light of microscopic observations
Pyrrhotite reaction kinetics: reaction rates for oxidation by oxygen, ferric iron, and for nonoxidative dissolution
Pythagoras' Theorem on a 2D-Lattice from a "Natural" Dirac Operator and Connes' Distance Formula
Pytheas - a Multichannel Spectrometer for the Analysis of Astronomical Images
PYTHIA 5.7 and JETSET 7.4 Physics and Manual
PYTHIA 6.2 Physics and Manual
PYTHIA 6.3 Physics and Manual
PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual
PYTHIA and HERWIG for Linear Collider Physics