Oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane penetration depth in cuprate superconductors
Oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane penetration depth in underdoped Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-delta} as revealed by muon-spin rotation
Oxygen-isotope effect on the superconducting gap in the cuprate superconductor Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_{7-δ}
Oxygen-isotope geothermometers in lacustrine sediments: New insights through combined δ18O analyses of aquatic cellulose, authigenic calcite and biogenic silica in Lake Gościąż, central Poland
Oxygen-isotope measurements of sulfate ions separated from diluted solutions
Oxygen-Isotope Ratios in the Blue Glacier, Olympic Mountains, Washington U. S. A.
Oxygen-Isotopic Analyses of Diagenetic Cherts and the Temperature History of the Earth
Oxygen-Isotopic and Rare-Earth-Element Compositions of Quartz Veins Within Xingzi Group of Lushan, Southeast China: Implications for the Origin Metamorphic Fluids
Oxygen-isotopic composition of Allende olivines
Oxygen-Isotopic Composition of Conodont Apatite: A Potential Proxy for Paleozoic Marine Water Temperatures and Salinities
Oxygen-Isotopic Composition of Magnetite in the DOM 03238 CO3.1 Chondrite
Oxygen-Isotopic Composition of Nakhla Anhydrite
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions in Two Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions from Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions of Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions and Chondrules: Evidence for Dust-Gas Fractionation Prior to Nebular Condensation
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions of Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions from the CH Chondrites Acfer 182 and Patuxent Range 91546
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions of Chromium-Spinel-bearing Objects in Allende
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions of Individual Forsteritic Grains, Fayalitic Rims, and Matrix Olivines from the Allende Meteorite
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions of Individual Minerals from the FUN Inclusion Vigarano 1623-5
Oxygen-Isotopic Compositions of Picotite-bearing Chondrules from Baszkowka L5(S1)
Oxygen-isotopic compositions of relict and host grains in chondrules in the Yamato 81020 CO3.0 chondrite