Oxygen Isotopic Insights into Origins and Histories of Cometary Materials
Oxygen Isotopic Microanalysis of Isolated Forsterites from Ornans (C30) and Murchison (C2)
Oxygen Isotopic Microanalysis of Minerals in Thin Section Using the Ion Microprobe
Oxygen isotopic ratio of ocean zircon
Oxygen isotopic ratios in fine quartz silt from sediments and soils of southern Africa
Oxygen isotopic ratios of some evaporites from Precambrian to Recent ages
Oxygen Isotopic Ratios Resulting from CO Self-Shielding
Oxygen isotopic signature of the skeletal microstructures in cultured corals: Identification of vital effects
Oxygen Isotopic Signatures in Allende Chondrules
Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of Pennsylvanian Conodonts
Oxygen isotopic SIMS analysis in Allende CAI: details of the very early thermal history of the solar system
Oxygen Isotopic Studies of Carbonacceous Chondrite Belgica-7904
Oxygen Isotopic Studies of Isolated and Chondrule Olivine from Renazzo and Allende
Oxygen isotopic systematics of an open-system magam chamber: an ezample from the Freetown Layered Complex of Sierra Leone
Oxygen isotopic variability associated with multiple stages of serpentinization, Duke Island Complex, southeastern Alaska
Oxygen Isotopic Variation of Asteroidal Materials
Oxygen Isotopic Variation of the Terrestrial Planets
Oxygen Isotopic Variations in a Fluffy Type A CAI from the Vigarano Meteorite
Oxygen Isotopic Variations of Melilite Crystals in a Type A CAI from Allende
Oxygen Isotopic Zoning of Reversely Zoned Melilite Crystals in a Fluffy Type A CAI from Vigarano Meteorite