Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Water Ice Within Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Bodies are Irretrievable
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Wild 2 Silicates
Oxygen Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Refractory Components of Chondritic Meteorites
Oxygen isotopic constraints on the origin and parent bodies of eucrites, diogenites, and howardites
Oxygen Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Relationship of IIE Iron Meteorites and H Chondrites
Oxygen isotopic constraints on the origin of magnesian chondrules and on the gaseous reservoirs in the early Solar System
Oxygen Isotopic Contamination During Hf-HCl Dissolution of Bulk Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopic Diffusion and Exchange Experiments on Olivine and Chondrule Melts: Preliminary Results
Oxygen Isotopic Distributions Among Chondrules in Acfer 214, CH Chondrite
Oxygen Isotopic Evidence for Aqueous Activity on Mars: Delta 180 of Lafayette Iddingsite
Oxygen isotopic evidence for meteoric water interaction with the Captains Bay pluton, Aleutian Islands
Oxygen Isotopic Evolution During the Formation and Evolution of the Solar Nebula: Molecular Cloud Origin Hypothesis for the Isotopic Anomaly and Its Implications
Oxygen isotopic exchange at a contact between the Bushveld Complex and meta-sedimentary rocks of the Phepane Dome
Oxygen isotopic exchange at an igneous intrusive contact
Oxygen isotopic fractionation in the system quartz-albite-anorthite-water
Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation in Vacuum Ultraviolet Photodissociation of CO: Lack of Self-shielding and Relevance to the Early Solar System
Oxygen Isotopic Fractionations in Symmetry Dependent Chemical Reactions
Oxygen Isotopic Homogeneity in the Ureilite Population
Oxygen Isotopic Imaging of Interplanetary Dust
Oxygen Isotopic Imaging of Interplanetary Dust by TOF-SIMS