Oxygen isotopic composition of sulfate in deep sea pore fluid: Evidence for rapid sulfur cycling
Oxygen isotopic composition of sulfate ions in water from thermal springs
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Tagish Lake
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of the Tagish Lake Carbonaceous Chondrite
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions and Chemical Zoning of Melilite Crystals in Fluffy Type A CAI from Efremovka CV3 Chondrite.
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions and Degree of Alteration of CR Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions in CM Hibonite: Implications for Solar Nebula Heterogeneity
Oxygen isotopic compositions of a compound CAI in Allende
Oxygen isotopic compositions of Allende Type C CAIs: Evidence for isotopic exchange during nebular melting and asteroidal metamorphism
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Apollo 15 and 16 Rocks
Oxygen isotopic compositions of Central Andean plutonic and volcanic rocks, latitudes 26°-29° south
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Chondrule Glasses in Semarkona (LL3.0): Search for 16O-depleted Components in Chondrules
Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Chondrules
Oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules from the metal-rich chondrites Isheyevo (CH/CBb), MAC 02675 (CBb) and QUE 94627 (CBb)
Oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules: Implications for evolution of oxygen isotopic reservoirs in the inner solar nebula
Oxygen isotopic compositions of Cr-spinels from Archean to Phanerozoic chromite deposits
Oxygen isotopic compositions of enstatite chondrites and aubrites
Oxygen isotopic compositions of enstatite chondrites and aubrites.
Oxygen isotopic compositions of individual mateoritic magnetite grains from carbonaceous chondrites
Oxygen isotopic compositions of individual minerals in Antarctic micrometeorites: Further links to carbonaceous chondrites