Oxygen Isotopic Anomaly in Metasomatically Altered Refractory Inclusions of Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopic Characteristics of Refractory Inclusions
Oxygen Isotopic Composition and High-Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Martian Carbonate in Lafayette Meteorite
Oxygen Isotopic Composition and REE Abundances of a Zr-rich-Oxide-bearing Inclusion from Murchison
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of a Stardust Chondrule Fragment Named Iris
Oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in the Nakhla meteorite: Implications for the hydrosphere and atmosphere of Mars
Oxygen isotopic composition of chondritic interplanetary dust particles: A genetic link between carbonaceous chondrites and comets
Oxygen isotopic composition of ferric oxides from recent soil, hydrologic, and marine environments
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Fine-grained Ca-Al-rich Inclusions in the Reduced CV3 Chondrite Efremovka
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Fine-grained CAIs and Genetic Relation to Coarse-grained CAIs
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Individual Chondrules in an Enstatite Chondrite Yamato 791810
Oxygen isotopic composition of LEW 86010
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Magnetite in the Ningqiang Carbonaceous Chondrite
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Mare-Basalts: Magma Ocean Differentiation and Source Heterogeneity
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Mineral Grains in Antarctic Micrometeorites and Bulk Spherules: A Spherule Having Large delta ^(17)O
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Nakhla Carbonate
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Nakhla Siderite: Implications for Martian Volatiles
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Olivine in Ureilites: Possible Evidence for Millimeter-scale Variations
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Olivines from Matrices and Accretionary Rims Around Ca-Al-rich Inclusions in CV Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Organic and Inorganic Compounds of the Murchison Meteorite