Oxygen Isotopes of Individual Minerals in the Pink Angel
Oxygen Isotopes of Lunar Rocks: Different Sources for Different Hi-Ti Basalts?
Oxygen isotopes of marine diatoms and relations to opal-A maturation^1
Oxygen Isotopes of Matrix of Primitive Meteorites and Implications to Nebular Dust
Oxygen Isotopes of Mineral and Lithic Clasts in the Polymict Ureilite EET 83309: an Ion Microprobe Study
Oxygen Isotopes of Secondary Phases in Unequilibrated Chondrites: Implication for the Fluids/Ices in the Nebula and Asteroids
Oxygen Isotopes, Rare-Earth Elements, Supernovae and Wolf-Rayet Stars
Oxygen isotopes, REE and U Pb behaviour during metamorphic zircon formation
Oxygen isotopes, upper-ocean salinity, and precipitation sources in the eastern tropical Pacific
Oxygen Isotopes, Ureilite Genesis, and the Geology of Asteroids
Oxygen Isotopic Abundances in Calcium- Aluminum-Rich Inclusions from Ordinary Chondrites: Implications for Nebular Heterogeneity
Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Crystalline Silicates and Oxides in Interplanetary Dust
Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Water in Bjurböle and Murchison Meteorites
Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Water in Bjurböle Matrix and Chondrules
Oxygen Isotopic Analyses of Water in Bjurböle Matrix and Chondrules
Oxygen Isotopic Analysis of Allende Olivine by Ion Microprobe and Implications for Chondrule Origin
Oxygen Isotopic and Petrological Constraints on the Origin and Relationship of IIE Iron Meteorites and H Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopic Anomalies in an Ordinary Chondrite
Oxygen isotopic anomalies in the rocks of celestial objects: Are they the key to the planet formation mechanism?
Oxygen isotopic anomaly and solar nebular photochemistry