Oxygen isotopes in separated components of CI and CM chondrites
Oxygen isotopes in Shergotty
Oxygen isotopes in single micrometer-sized quartz grains: tracing the source of Saharan dust over long-distance atmospheric transport
Oxygen Isotopes in the Bholghati Howardite
Oxygen isotopes in the Martian atmosphere - Implications for the evolution of volatiles
Oxygen Isotopes in the Matrix of the Semarkona (LL3.0) Chondrite
Oxygen Isotopes in the Solar System
Oxygen Isotopes in the Solar System
Oxygen Isotopes in the Ultra-Refractory CAI Efremovka 101.1 and the Solar Nebula
Oxygen Isotopes in the Volatile Material of Comets
Oxygen Isotopes in Type 3 Ordinary Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Unequilibrated Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Ureilites
Oxygen Isotopes in Water Extracted from Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Water from Martian Meteorites
Oxygen Isotopes of Aluminum-rich Chondrules from Unequilibrated Enstatite Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes of CAIs from Unequilibrated Enstatite Chondrites: Characteristics and Implications
Oxygen Isotopes of Chondrules in the Queen Alexandra Range 99177 CR3 Chondrite: Further Evidence for Systematic Relationships Between Chondrule Mg# and Δ^1^7O and the Role of Ice During Chondrule Formation
Oxygen Isotopes of Chromite and Chemical Composition of the Minerals from Polymineral Nodules in Sikhote-Alin Meteorite
Oxygen Isotopes of Eclogites from the Orapa Kimberlite (Botswana): Possible Origins