Oxygen isotopes in calcite grown under cave-analogue conditions
Oxygen isotopes in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from enstatite chondrites: new evidence for a single CAI source in the solar nebula
Oxygen isotopes in carbonaceous chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Chondrules from Enstatite Chondrites: Possible Identification of a Major Nebular Reservoir
Oxygen Isotopes in CV Carbonaceous Chondrites: The Significance of the Carbonaceous Chondrite Anhydrous Mineral Line
Oxygen Isotopes in Deep Sea Spherules
Oxygen Isotopes in Early Solar System Materials: A Perspective Based on Microbeam Analyses of Chondrules from CV Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Isolated and Chondrule Olivines of Murchison
Oxygen Isotopes in Isolated Chondrules from the Tieschitz Ordinary Chondrite: Initial Compositions and Differential Parent Body Alteration
Oxygen Isotopes in Kaidun
Oxygen Isotopes in Laboratory-heated CI and CM Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Mafic and Feldspathic Clasts from Polymict Ureilites
Oxygen isotopes in marine diatoms: A comparative study of analytical techniques and new results on the isotope composition of recent marine diatoms
Oxygen Isotopes in Martian SNC Meteorites
Oxygen Isotopes in Micrometeorites
Oxygen Isotopes in Ordinary Chondrites: What is the Origin of the Iron Groups?
Oxygen Isotopes in Pomozdino Meteorite
Oxygen Isotopes in Pyroxenes from Two Vigarano CAIs vary Independently of fO2
Oxygen isotopes in R-chondrite magnetite and olivine: links between R chondrites and ordinary chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes in Refractory Oxide Minerals from Primitive Chondrites