Oxygen Isotope Variations Within Allende Refractory Inclusions
Oxygen Isotope Zoning in an Allende CAI, EGG-6
Oxygen Isotopes and Ferromagnesian Chondrule Populations in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes and Mineralogy of an Al-Rich Chondrule Fragment in Stardust Track 154: Implications for Comet Wild2 Formation
Oxygen Isotopes and Origin of Opaque Assemblages from the Ningqiang Carbonaceous Chondrite
Oxygen Isotopes and Origin of Opaque Assemblages in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotopes and Pre-Solar Dust in the Early Solar System
Oxygen Isotopes and Rare Earth Element Abundances of Refractory Inclusions in the Ningqiang Meteorite
Oxygen Isotopes and the Accretion of the Terrestrial Planets
Oxygen isotopes and the early Solar System
Oxygen Isotopes and the Origin of Tungsten Isotope Variations in Martian Meteorites
Oxygen isotopes and water in the inner solar system
Oxygen Isotopes as Tracers of Tektite Source Rocks: an Example From the Ivory Coast Tektites and Lake Bosumtwi Crater
Oxygen isotopes for gem corundums, eastern Australian basalt fields: Results and genetic implications
Oxygen Isotopes Give Clues to the Formation of Planets, Moons, and Asteroids
Oxygen isotopes implanted in the LDEF spacecraft
Oxygen Isotopes in a Picotite-bearing Chondrule-like Object from Baszkówka L5(S1)
Oxygen Isotopes in Allende Chondrules and Coarse-Grained Rims
Oxygen Isotopes in Bjurbole and Tieschitz Chondrules by Ultraviolet Laser Probe
Oxygen Isotopes in Brachina, SAH 99555 and Northwest Africa 1054