Oxygen isotope systematics in Diploastrea heliopora: new coral archive of tropical paleoclimate
Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Almahata Sitta
Oxygen isotope systematics of biologically mediated reactions of phosphate: I. Microbial degradation of organophosphorus compounds
Oxygen isotope systematics of the Banda Arc: low @d^1^8O despite involvement of subducted continental material in magma genesis
Oxygen isotope temperatures of "equilibrated" ordinary chondrites
Oxygen Isotope Tracing of the Early Solar System
Oxygen isotope values of precipitation and surface waters in northern Central America (Belize and Guatemala) are dominated by temperature and amount effects
Oxygen Isotope Variation at Nanomolar Carbonate in the CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites
Oxygen Isotope Variation in Ca-Mg Carbonate Cements in the California Coast Range Ophiolite: Geochemistry of Martian Analog Environments
Oxygen Isotope Variation in the Bencubbin Meteorite: an Exotic Component in the Matrix?
Oxygen Isotope Variation in the HEDs: How Homogeneous is Vesta?
Oxygen Isotope Variation Within the Primitive Achondrites
Oxygen Isotope Variation, Mossbauer Spectra or Iron Oxidation and Volatile Content of Tektite Glasses from the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, Haiti
Oxygen isotope variations in Cr-poor megacrysts from kimberlite
Oxygen Isotope Variations in Lunar Mare Basalts through Fractional Crystallization
Oxygen isotope variations in marginal basin and ocean-ridge basalts
Oxygen isotope variations in ocean island basalt phenocrysts
Oxygen isotope variations in phosphate of biogenic apatites, II. Phosphorite rocks
Oxygen isotope variations in phosphate of biogenic apatites, IV. Mammal teeth and bones
Oxygen isotope variations of phosphate in mammalian bone and tooth enamel