Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Natural and Synthetic Chondrules: Evidence for In Situ Reduction by Carbon
Oxygen isotope ratios of oak in east England: implications for reconstructing the isotopic composition of precipitation
Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Phosphate in ALH84001 and Los Angeles by Ion Microprobe: Development of a New Biomarker in the Search for Life on Mars
Oxygen Isotope Relations Among CO, CK, and CM Chondrites and Carbonaceous Chondrite Dark Inclusions
Oxygen Isotope Relationships Among Primitive Achondrites
Oxygen isotope reservoirs in the solar system
Oxygen isotope salt effects at high pressure and high temperature and the calibration of oxygen isotope geothermometers
Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Hydration Reactions in Solar System Materials
Oxygen Isotope Similarities and Differences Between the Earth and Moon: Can Oxygen Isotopes Distinguish Meteorites on the Moon
Oxygen isotope speedometry in the Biwabik iron-formation
Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy in a Vigarano Type A Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusion
Oxygen Isotope Studies in O+CO Reaction: Energy Constraints in Symmetry Selective Fractionation
Oxygen isotope studies of carbonaceous chondrites
Oxygen isotope studies of granite and migmatite, Grenville province of Ontario, Canada
Oxygen isotope studies of zeolites--Stilbite, analcime, heulandite, and clinoptilolite: III. Oxygen isotope fractionation between stilbite and water or water vapor
Oxygen Isotope Studies on the Origin of Tektites
Oxygen isotope study of infiltration of heated meteoric water to form giant hamersley iron ores
Oxygen isotope study of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal fluids: Implication for the oxygen-18 budget of the oceans
Oxygen isotope study of snow and firn on an Alpine glacier
Oxygen isotope study of Tsukuba chondrite, some HED meteorites and Allende chondrules