Oxygen isotope geochemistry of the amphiboles: isotope effects of cation substitutions in minerals
Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of the Central American Arc
Oxygen Isotope Geothermometry of Skarn Developed in Ichinotake Limestone North Kyushu, Japan
Oxygen isotope heterogeneity and disequilibria of olivine crystals in large volume Holocene basalts from Iceland: Evidence for magmatic digestion and erosion of Pleistocene hyaloclastites
Oxygen isotope heterogeneity in chondrules from the Mokoia CV3 carbonaceous chondrite
Oxygen Isotope Homogeneity of the Moon
Oxygen Isotope Mapping and Quantitative Assessment of VMS Terranes
Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Bulk Unmelted Antarctic Micrometeorites
Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Simulated Wild 2 Impact Crater Residues
Oxygen Isotope Micro-Analysis of CAI by SIMS: an Evidence for Isotopically Anomalous Melilite
Oxygen Isotope Micro-analysis of Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions in Allende Meteorite: Inter/Intra-mineral Distribution
Oxygen Isotope Micro-Distribution vs. Composition in Melilite/Fassaite in the Allende CAI 7R-19-1: A New Evidence for Multiple Heating
Oxygen isotope microanalysis of a large orthopyroxene clast in A-881526 diogenite
Oxygen Isotope Microanalysis of an Allende Compound Chondrule
Oxygen Isotope Ratios and Rare Earth Element Abundance of the Silica-rich Chondrule Rims in the Sahara 00182 Cabonaceous Chondrite.
Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Chondrules from Primitive CR Chondrite MET 00426: A Correlation with Chondrule Mg#
Oxygen isotope ratios in fossil wood cellulose: Isotopic composition of Eocene- to Holocene-aged cellulose
Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Trees Reflect Mean Annual Temperature and Humidity
Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Bulk Chondrules from the Mokoia CV3 Chondrite
Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Large Cosmic Spherules: Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrite Parent Bodies