L-R asymmetries and signals for new bosons
L-shell contributions to multiple ionization of Ari + ions (i=1,2,3,) by electron impact
l-space spectroscopy of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the BOOMERanG experiment
L-subshell state-to-state photoionization cross sections for the carbon isoelectronic sequence
L-Violating Supersymmetry - Implementation in PYTHIA and study of LHC discovery potential
L. F. Jenkins, died on 1970 May 9.
L. G. E. Morley, 1894 - 1973, July 29.
L. Goldberg has been elected president of the World Astronomical Body.
L. Henyey, died on Febr. 18, 1970.
L. J. Cromie
L. S. Copeland died 1973 November 14.
L. Spitzer, Jr. received the Catherine Wolfe Bruce Medal for 1973.
L. Woltjer, Director General of the European Southern Observatory.
L.O.S.V.D.'s of elliptical galaxies from mergers of disk galaxies
L/E-Flatness of the Electron-Like Event Ratio in Super-Kamiokande and a Degeneracy in Neutrino Masses
L1014-IRS: A proto-brown-dwarf in a starless core?
L1489IRS observed by the submillimeter array (Brinch+, 2007)
L1551 ISOCAM observations (Galfalk+, 2004)
L2 Puppis - a Multiple Period Pulsator?
L2 series solution of the relativistic Dirac-Morse problem for all energies