K^+ versus Λflow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
K^+\toπ^+ν\barν with four generations and its effects on unitarity triangle
K^- nuclear potentials from in-medium chirally motivated models
K^- p scattering length from scattering experiments
K^- ^3He and K^+K^- interactions in the pd -> ^3He K^+K^- reaction
k^-3 superfluid spectrum of highly curved interacting quantum vortices
K^0 - \bar K^0, B^0 - \bar B^0 mixings in the MSSM with explicit CP violation in the Higgs sector
K^0 and Λproduction in Ni + Ni collisions near threshold
K^0 pi^0 Sigma^+ and K^*0 Sigma^+ photoproduction off the proton
K^0--\bar{K}^0 mixing in full lattice QCD
K^0-\bar K^0 mixing beyond the standard model and CP-violating electroweak penguins in quenched QCD with exact chiral symmetry
K^0-\bar{K}^0 Mixing Beyond the SM from Nf=2 tmQCD
K^0-\bar{K}^0 mixing in the Standard Model from Nf=2+1+1 Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
K^L_{mu3} decay: A first evidence of Right-Handed Quark Currents ?
K^L_{mu3} decay: A Stringent Test of Right-Handed Quark Currents
K_1(1270)-K_1(1400) mixing and the fourth generation SM effects in B-->K_1l^+l^- decays
K_L -> pi pi e e in Chiral Perturbation Theory
K_L -> pi0 gamma e+ e- and its relation to CP and chiral tests
K_L -> pi^0 nu nubar at the AGS (E926)
K_L to π^+ π^- e^+ e^-