Jurassic magnetic stratigraphy from Umbrian (Italian) land sections
Jurassic sedimentary evolution and nappe emplacement in the Argolis Peninsula (Peloponnesus, Greece)
Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary age and mid-ocean-ridge type mantle source for Shatsky Rise
Jurassic-Cretaceous low paleolatitudes from the circum-Black Sea region (Crimea and Pontides) due to True Polar Wander
Jürgen Ehlers (1929-2008)
Jurgen Ehlers: a memoir
Jürgen H. Rahe died 18 June 1997.
Jürgen Renn (ed): The genesis of general relativity. Sources and interpretations. Springer, 2007, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 250, 1152p., EUR694.43, ISBN:978-1-4020-3999-7
Jurlof-Achmarof-Hassel (1939 d)
Just "Go To" It - I
Just "Go To" It - II
Just "Go To" It - III
Just a fraction of a moment
Just a light squeeze
Just add Salt: Salinity-Induced Hydrate Dissociation as a Possible Source for Atmospheric Methane on Mars
Just Another Billion-Sun Black Hole
Just Another Piece of the Odessa Iron
Just enough inflation
Just how different are SU(2) and SU(3) Landau-gauge propagators in the IR regime?
Just How Final are Today's Quantum Structures?