H and HD Spectroscopic Status
H and K /Ca II/ emissions as observed in coronal spectrum in the July 20, 1963 solar eclipse
H and K CA II plage profiles obtained with a Fourier transform spectrometer
H and K Emissions in V471 Tauri (BD +16 516)
H and K lines in the sunspot umbra - A source function and Doppler width
H and K wing emission lines in late-type stars
H and Ks photometry of Trumpler 14 (Sana+, 2010)
H and O ENA observations of the 22 July 2009 storm as observed by the TWINS mission
h and χ Per memberships (Uribe+, 2002)
H band stellar spectra (Dallier+, 1996)
H beta-photometry of HR 8024 and HR 8102
H chondrite clusters and streams
H Chondritic Clasts in a Yamato L6 Chondrite: Implications for Metamorphism
H dibaryon in the QCD sum rule
H gamma photometry of B stars in the Orion belt region
H i 1083 NM Oscillations and Downflows Near the North Solar Pole
H I and dust in the high latitude dark cloud L 1642.
H I Imaging Surveys: Gas and Galaxy Evolution in Different Environments
H I observations of W3.
H I studies of the sculptor group galaxies