GW approximation with self-screening correction
GW approximations and vertex corrections on the Keldysh time-loop contour: application for model systems at equilibrium
GW band structure of InAs and GaAs in the wurtzite phase
GW correlation effects on plutonium quasiparticle energies: changes in crystal-field splitting
GW fermion propagators and chiral condensate
Gw from Bh-Bh Isco
GW from compact stars around SMBH
GW Meson Scattering on a Staggered Sea
GW method applied to localized 4f electron systems
GW method with the self-consistent Sternheimer equation
GW quasi-particle spectra from occupied states only
GW quasiparticle bandgaps of anatase TiO2 starting from DFT+U
GW's towards fundamental principles of GR
GW+U real-space Green's function calculations of x-ray spectra
GX 17+2-Optical identification
GX 301-2 observed by INTEGRAL
GX 339-4.
GX 340 + 0-Invalid analysis of data
GX 340 + 0-Possible hot neutron star