GUT Phase Transition and Hybrid Inflation
GUT Precursors and Non-Trivial Fixed Points in Higher-Dimensional Gauge Theories
GUT Precursors in $SU(3)^3$-Type Model and $N_{COLOUR}>3$
GUT predictions for quark and lepton mass ratios
GUT relation in Neutrino-Induced Flavor Physics in SUSY SU(5) GUT
GUT Relations from String Theory Compactifications
GUT Scale And Leptogenesis From 5D Inflation
GUT Scale Inflation, Non-Thermal Leptogenesis, and Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations
GUT Scale Threshold Corrections in a Complete Supersymmetric SO(10) Model: $α_s(M_Z)$ vs. Proton Lifetime
GUT with Anomalous U(1) Suggests Heterotic M-Theory?
GUT's have the ability to defy sphalerons
GUT's with Adjoint Higgs from Superstrings
Gutenberg Richter and Characteristic Earthquake Behavior in Simple Mean-Field Models of Heterogeneous Faults
Gutenberg's Early Pkp observations
Gutenberg-Richter Law for Internetquakes
Gutenberg-Richter Scaling - A New Paradigm
GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory - I
GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-theory - II: Experimental Predictions
GUTs and String-GUTs
GUTs in Curved Spacetime: Running Gravitational Constants, Newtonian Potential and the Quantum Corrected Gravitational Equations