Guided nanoscale remodeling of soluble surfaces using a novel probe-based method
Guided nucleation of superconductivity on a graded magnetic substrate
Guided Optics for Stellar Interferometry
Guided plasmaspheric hiss interactions with superthermal electrons 1. Resonance curves and timescales
Guided Plasmon Modes of Elliptical Cross Section Silver Nanoridges
Guided plasmon modes of triangular and inverted triangular cross section silver nanoridges
Guided plasmons in graphene p-n junctions
Guided Propagation of HF Radio Waves in the Ionosphere
Guided propagation of naturally occurring infrasound in the troposphere and stratosphere
Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser
Guided random walk calculation of energies and $<\sq {r^2} >$ values of the $^1Σ_g$ state of H_2 in a magnetic field
Guided resonances in photonic crystals with point-defected aperiodically-ordered supercells
Guided resonances in photonic quasicrystals
Guided Simulated Annealing Method for Optimization Problems
Guided vortex motion in superconductors with a square antidot lattice
Guided wave attenuation in laterally varying media
Guided wave propagation across sharp lateral heterogeneities: the complete wavefield at a cylindrical inclusion
Guided wave propagation across sharp lateral heterogeneities: the complete wavefield at plane vertical discontinuities
Guided wave propagation in laterally varying media - I. Theoretical development
Guided wave propagation in laterally varying media - II. Lg-waves in north-western Europe