E_(10), BE_(10) and Arithmetical Chaos in Superstring Cosmology
E_11 and M Theory
E_11: Sign of the times
E_6 and the bipartite entanglement of three qutrits
E_6 multiplets and unification in extra dimensions
E_6 unification model building III. Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in E_6 tensor products of the 27 with higher dimensional representations
E_6 Unification with Bi-Large Neutrino Mixing
E_6 Unification, Doublet-Triplet Splitting and Anomalous U(1)_A Symmetry
E_7 and the tripartite entanglement of seven qubits
E_7(7) on the Light Cone
E_8 flavour multiplets
E_8 x E_8 Small Instantons in Matrix Theory
E_{10} for beginners
E_{10} Symmetry in One-dimensional Supergravity
E_{11} and Higher Spin Theories
E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets
E_{11}, ten forms and supergravity
E_{7(7)} Duality, BPS Black-Hole Evolution and Fixed Scalars
E_{7(7)} symmetry and dual gauge algebra of M-theory on a twisted seven-torus
E{7(7)} Symmetry and Finiteness of N=8 Supergravity