c-Axis Twist Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+delta) Josephson Junctions: A New Phase-Sensitive Test of Order Parmaeter Symmetry
C-Band Sea Ice Model
C-deformation of Supergravity
C-field Cosmology with Variable G in the Flat Friedmann Robertson Walker Model
C-Functions in Lovelock Gravity
c-functions in the Born-Infeld extended New Massive Gravity
C-H Stretch Overtone Spectra of Fluorinated Ethers
C-isotope exchange experiments between DIC and TCE
C-isotope variability in the Delhi Supergroup, NW India: Implications for Meso-Neoproterozoic transition
C-isotopic studies of hydrocarbons in Neoproterozoic to Cambrian samples
C-layer dependence on solar cycle and southern latitude observed by VLF propagation
c-map as c=1 string
C-metric like vacuum with non-negative cosmological constant in five dimensions
C-N bond formation in the gas phase reaction of C(+) with NH3
C-O Volatiles in Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 Picritic Glasses
C-O-H isotopic evidences for fluid sources of granulites in Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
C-O-S-Cl Volatiles in Primitive Lunar Glasses: FTIR and EM Analyses of Apollo 15 Green Glasses
C-Parameter and Jet Broadening at PETRA Energies
C-Periodicity and the Physical Mass in the 3-State Potts Model
c-quark decay modes in B_c-meson