C H Payne-Gaposchkin: Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: astronomer extraordinaire
C II emission lines formed in optically thin plasmas
C II two-electron transitions
C III in stellar spectra
C isotopes and multi-elements distribution within individual Proteozoic microfossils
C isotopic ratio in N- and SC-type stars (Ohnaka+, 1996)
C IV Doppler shifts observed in active region filaments
C IV emission and magnetic topology. (Slovak Title: Emisia C IV a magnetická topológia)
C IV Enhanced Emission and the Non-Thermal Electron Distribution
C IV plasma flow near active region filaments
C IV Vacuum Ultraviolet Fabry-Perot Interferometers for Transition-Region Magnetography
C O Sr isotopic record of monsoon climate during 10 20 ka in a stalagmite from central-west China
C P C reprocessing
C star population in outer disk of M31 (Demers+, 2005)
C star survey of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies: The outer disc and halo of NGC 3109
C stars in SMC (Rebeirot+ 1993)
C stars in Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte galaxy (Battinelli+, 2004)
C$_{60}$ in intense femtosecond laser pulses: nonlinear dipole response and ionization
C$_λ$-extended Oscillator Algebras: Theory and Applications to (Variants) of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
c(2x2) Interface Alloys in Co/Cu Multilayers - Influence on Interlayer Exchange Coupling and GMR