A 16 channel analogue sparse readout I.C. for INTEGRAL (International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory)
A 16-channel Digital TDC Chip with internal buffering and selective readout for the DIRC Cherenkov counter of the BABAR experiment
A 16-Element SIS Receiver for 455-495 GHz for the Heinrich Hertz Telescope
A 16-m Telescope for the Advanced Technology Large Aperture Telescope (ATLAST) Mission
A 16-moment Fast Solar Wind Model
A 160-320 GeV linear collider to study e+e- -> HZ and gamma-gamma -> H, HH
A 1600 year long record of solar change derived from atmospheric 14C levels
A 1600-1900 GHz Tunable Source
A 1667 MHz OH obsorption survey of the southern Milky Way
A 17 T horizontal field cryomagnet with rapid sample change designed for beamline use
A 17-1/2-INCH Dobsonian
A 17.5-INCH Chamaeleon Telescope
A 1745-36.
A 17th-Century Figure. (Book Reviews: John Wilkins, 1614-1672. An Intellectual Biography)
A 180 deg rotation shearing interferometer with increased optical efficiency
A 180th degree and order model of the Venus gravity field from Magellan line of sight residual Doppler data
A 190‰ drop in atmosphere's Δ14C during the “Mystery Interval” (17.5 to 14.5 kyr)
A 1957 survey of cosmic ray intensity, 0 to 25 km altitude and 86 deg N to 73 deg S geomagnetic latitude
A 1969 Flare. (Book Reviews: Intercorrelated Satellite Observations Related to Solar Events. Proceedings of a symposium, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, Sept. 1969)
A 1972 prediction of Uranian rings based on the Alfven critical velocity effect