87Rb/87Sr constraints on the primitive chronology of meteorites
87Rb/87Sr Study of Some Diogenites and the Binda Howardite
87Sr/86Sr chemostratigraphy across the Carboniferous Permian boundary
87Sr/86Sr of apatite as an indicator of magma processes of the granites
87Sr/86Sr ratios in basalts from islands in the Indian Ocean
87Sr/86Sr ratios in lake sediments in Lake Biwa, Japan-Environmental change in the last 200 years
87Sr/86Sr ratios in some eugeosynclinal sedimentary rocks and their bearing on the origin of granitic magma in orogenic belts
88 Her: another shell star of Pleione type
88 Thisbe CCD Spectrum
886 Washingtonia CCD Spectrum
89 Her: a cepheid outside the instability strip?
89 Julia CCD Spectrum
895 Helio CCD Spectrum
897 Lysistrata CCD Spectrum