771 Libera CCD Spectrum
7728 Giblin CCD Spectrum
773 Irmintraud CCD Spectrum
776 Berbericia CCD Spectrum
7763 1990UT5 CCD Spectrum
779 Nina CCD Spectrum
77Se NMR Evidence of Strongly Coupled Superconductivity in K0.8Fe2-xSe2
77Se NMR Investigation of Fe0.05Bi1.95Se3
77Se NMR Investigation of the K(x)Fe(2-y)Se(2) High Tc Superconductor (Tc=33K)
77Se NMR study of pairing symmetry and spin dynamics in KyFe2-xSe2
77th Annual Report of Council for the Calendar Year 1999.
77TH ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNCIL FOR THE CALENDER YEAR 1999 - Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand (Incorporated)
78 Diana CCD Spectrum
781 Kartvelia CCD Spectrum
7817 1988RH10 CCD Spectrum
782 Montefiore CCD Spectrum
78236, a Primary, but Partially Senile, Lunar Norite